A free image editor & paint program for Windows, Mac and Linux
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  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing transparent image editing and edge feathering. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing perspective transformation using four drag points. 

  Linux Ubuntu screenshot showing a star shaped area selection. The Scissors Area Selection Tool is selected. 

  Mac Os X screenshot showing curved and straight lines with arrow heads. The Line Tool is selected. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing high zoom icon editing. The Colour and Effects Tool with HSB Filter is selected. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing the Shape Tool and various shapes. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing animal cut outs overlaid on a background photo. The Area Selection Tool is selected. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing Gradient Tool. Red, green and blue channels have been selected. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing Text Tool and Texture Paint. 

  Linux Ubuntu screenshot showing Shapes Tool with transparent background. 

  Microsoft Windows screenshot showing Temperature and Tint photographic filter (+30 temperature on the right).